Langka Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit

If you can "catch" your fingernail in a scratch or chip, this kit and touch up paint (from our dealership) is all you need to repair these unsightly areas. This complete kit contains all the items necessary for repairing your paint chips and deep scratches. Packaged in a decorative clamshell for easy storage and with complete directions.
The Kit includes:

  1. The original LANGKA "The Blob Eliminator" (2oz) (enough to do 20-30 chips)
  2. PREPAINT (2oz) for cleaning the chips prior to applying touch up paint
  3. Paint Sealant (2oz) to protect and seal the finished repair
  4. MicroBrush (3) a unique tool for applying touch up paint.  
  5. Plastic Squeegie Card (1) a unique card used in this process
  6. Microfibre Cloth (1) for wrapping around the plastic card


1. For repairing "road rash" or individual chips or scratches!  Clean the Area (paint chips or deep scratches): Use Langka PrePaint (included in the Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit) to clean the area and provide bonding agents for the touch up paint.

2. Fill the Chips or Scratches with touch up paint: [NOTE: if your paint is a Metallic Paint, or if you want to repair a Scratch, you may want to use our alternative method called the Squeegie Method, (or the WET Method)] . For Non-metallics, simply apply manufacturers touch-up paint to the chip or scratch. Use a Microbrush (available in our Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit) , toothpick or match stick. Allow the touch up paint to dry to the touch - typically 2 hours up to 4 hours. (NOTE:  European vehicles: 2 hours, USA vehicles: 4 hours,  Japanese vehicles: 4-24 hours).  This will leave the typical "blob" of touch-up paint visible on the surface as diagrammed. Apply 2nd or 3rd coat if necessary.

3. Remove the Blob of Paint: Wrap a smooth, clean, tightly woven cotton cloth (Included in Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit) around the enclosed "plastic card". SHAKE WELL and apply The Blob Eliminator generously to the flat surface. Rub over the "blob" for 15-30 seconds allowing The Blob Eliminator to quickly penetrate and begin smoothing the "blob" of excess paint. Once the touch-up paint blob begins to appear on the cloth, begin rubbing lighter until the BLOB is gone and the paint is left inside the chip/scratch. Lightly hand-buff to remove any residue on the vehicle immediately with a clean cloth or microfibre towel.  NOTE: IF the paint pulls out of the chip or scratch, OR if the paint color seems to dull, you may want to try our Squeegie Method. 

4. Final Step: Seal the repaired area with LANGKA Paint Sealant (included in the Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit).

LANGKA Complete Paint Chip Repair Kit

  • Brand: Langka
  • Product Code: Langka-PC-Kit
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $58.41